Game Classification

Catchone Jogg (France), Jogg (France), 2004 Jouer à ce jeu !

Informations Analyses Serious Gaming


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The goal: to make the best score by catching Mochatruc suspended witha wire. Each wrestling brings back 2000pts. Each attempt withdraws 100from them... and each passed second withdraws 1 from them.The means: to click on the hands.The difficulty: Mochatruc appears where he wants... but regularly. Attention with to stop at the good time to validate its score.Le but : faire le meilleur score en attrapant le Mochatruc suspendu à un fil. Chaque catch rapporte 2000pts. Chaque tentative en retire 100... et chaque seconde écoulée en retire 1.Le moyen : cliquer sur les mains.La difficulté : le Mochatruc apparait où il veut... mais régulièrement. Attention à arrêter au bon moment pour valider son score.

Distribution : Retail - Commercial
Support(s) : PC (Windows)

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