TRON 2.0 3D is a mobile adaption of the TRON Light Cycles game. You take the role of an Encom employee, who is searching for proof that the company has used his video game programs wrongly. An executive of the company finds out about this and manages to trap him in a digital dimension. Now you have compete against other programs on the light cycle grid.
The goal of the light cycle game is to have your opponent crash into your wall that grows out of the back of the light cycle. For each match you and your opponent have three lives, so when you have won three matches you can move on to the next match in the tournament. A couple of power-ups also exist. Using them, you can increase your speed, go through walls or launch a missile towards your opponent. The game is entirely in 3D, and uses the same graphical design as the movie and its PC game sequel.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Mobile (Java ME)