Since the news of coup d'etat in the province of Wago arrived, life became completely unbearable. The single resolution to save the peace of the country was to set up a secret organization which would be responsible for liberating the president, who was kidnapped and imprisoned during uprising.
So you enlisted in this secret organization. Manu, one of the members of the organization, is your neighbour. Today, we are in the daytime of July 1st. But, suddenly, Manu has been stopped, and all network is dismantled. It is necessary to recover the equipment, to discover the passage and to drive the plan of Manu to the most complete success. But where to begin, towards whom to go, which persons is it necessary to contact?
Typing in the sentences, you will visit city places including a bank, a bar, a garage, a newsstand, a small public garden, and a graveyard. For this, you have in the top of screen a directory of orders which you can choose with arrows of your keyboard and validate with the key COPY. Choosing an order you complete it with noun and progress in the game.
This text adventure was made in French.
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PC (Dos)