Star Trek is an unofficial game based on the television series of the same name. In the game the player must defeat all Klingons in the quadrant. At any moment the player can perform the following five actions from within the Enterprise:Fire proton torpedoShieldsComputer MapMoveLong range scannerIn the default view the player can see the objects in the immediate surrounding of the ship: stars or Klingons. When encountering Klingons the player can fire torpedoes in order to defeat them. The player cannot move in the default view and must enter an angle at which to fire a torpedo (which flies in a straight line). If enemy torpedoes are about to hit the player must raise the shields.
Moving sends the player to a different screen, this is done by inputting an angle and desired distance. Using the computer map and long range scanner the player can try to find screens that contain objects, which can be either Klingons or harmless stars.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Commodore 64 -
Commodore PET