Rune Master 3 is a board game with RPG elements. Up to 4 players compete to reach the final gate, throwing computer dices and fighting monsters. The encounters and battles are random, and when someone is defeated they are sent back to the nearest town.
The game is turn-based, each player throw the dice and the computer makes the calculations necessary and moves the figure on the board. While traveling, the players might encounter wandering warriors and attempt to recruit them. Successful recruitment increases the player statistics. The players receive gold or level up after defeating the enemies. The battles also use dice throws in turns for each adversary. When starting the battle turn, the player has four options: fight, use an inventory item, use a magic attack or attempt to escape.
Certain squares have special proprieties:
- Town squares have hotels to recuperate health and mana points. Shops have RPG staples like armor, weapons and items. There's also a monkey pole race, where the player can gamble up to 1000 gold. Different weapons alter the number of dices and bonus points used in battle. Armor decreases the number of hit points received during fights. The items include health potions, horses that allow faster travel, a book that can be used to set up ambushes for other players (a dice roll sets the number of hits they'll receive) and a scroll that can be used to attempt recruitment of warriors serving under other players.
- Squares with chasms can only be escaped if the player throws 6.
- The water sludge square can only be crossed if the player throws 1 or 6.
- Some squares transport the player avatar to another part of the board.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : MSX