Rubik's Numbolution is a math-based puzzle game. Similar to Tetris or Columns, blocks are falling from the top of the screen and the player has to remove them before they fill the screen or time runs out. The twist in Numbolution is that each block has a number on it and the player removes blocks by selecting those whose numbers add up to a certain value that is shown on the screen. The more blocks that are removed at a time, the higher points will be awarded. A level is completed when all blocks have been removed.
There are two game modes: challenge and endless. The challenge mode consists of five levels each with three rounds of gameplay plus a bonus round. Between the challenges new special blocks are introduced. These include chain blocks that makes all block vulnerable to popping even if they are not part of the sum, minus blocks that have negative values and that have to be used twice. The bonus round consist of a challenge question that the player has to answer. The endless mode goes on until the time runs out.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Mobile (Java ME)