The protagonist of this game is a bastard son of a rich man. Your father has died, and his legal son, your older brother, inherited all his money and property, including a mansion in the countryside. Knowing that your brother has left the country with his fiancee, you arrive at the mansion and unleash your rage and frustration on those who are left there - several innocent young girls...
Hana no Hime follows a linear story, with a chapter dedicated to each girl. After a series of pre-rendered images with text, you enter a 3D exploration mode, during which you'll have to walk around the mansion and find the girl who is hiding from you. Once you find her, you enter a "chase mode", during which you'll have to run and jump on the girl. Pressing and holding mouse buttons will make you attempt to overpower the girl, and deplete her "hit points". Once she runs out of HP, a 3D interactive sex scene begins. You can choose to interact with the girl by selecting various menu choices (sexual positions, touching body parts, etc.), or by physically interacting with the girl, pressing and dragging the mouse in the appropriate motion.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : PC (Windows)