Guns Girls Lawyers Spies is a turn-based strategy game where you play an arms trafficker leading a covert ops company. The political situation of the world is currently a mess, so take advantage of the situation and buy/sell weapons, soldiers, tanks or even weapons of mass destruction to further your own greedy desires!
Guns Girls Lawyers Spies uses a top-down perspective of an international political map. Gameplay may be identified as the following:
Political Map and Travel
The political map consists of information regarding your company assets, individual country information and the political climate of the international community. Here you can travel from country to country on your cargo plane where you can conduct business or other covert actions. Time only moves forward when you board your plane to travel to another country.
Souvenirs! AK-47s and Weapons of Mass Destruction!
Being an arms dealer is a full time job. You travel from country to country buying and selling arms. From various weapons, soldiers, armor, planes and ultimately weapons of mass destruction. Each country produces several and some unique products. Depending on the political situation of the country, they also will buy and sell different products for different prices.
Turn-based Combat
Combat occurs when an enemy attacks your assets, entering an unfriendly country or you are caught smuggling illegal merchandise.
In the combat screen you first place your troops in the available hexes. After deploying your troops, combat results is automatic each turn, where after each turn you can change the positions of your troops.
There are 3 different combat areas available:
[1] Urban Combat
[2] Warfare Combat
[3] Aerial Combat
Urban Combat occurs in cities. Here other "special" unit troops like secretaries may also participate. Secretaries (or other female agents) may "convert" enemy troops. Other special versions of urban combat consist of "legal warfare" where your lawyers battle other enemy lawyers to the death!
Warfare combat is similar to urban combat, with the exception that lawyers and secretaries may not participate.
Aerial combat is only reserved for planes, helicopters and SAMs.
Game Scenarios
There is not "campaign mode" in this game. There are many scenarios to choose from. From assassinating terrorists and dictators, rescuing hostages or just "get rich" missions. Most scenarios have a time limit unless stated otherwise.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : PC (Windows)