In a distant future when mankind finally stopped fighting with itself for the dominion of space the brightest minds in the world brought The Alliance. The Alliance encompassed every state as well as planet in the known galaxy and brought peace amongst all the species.
In the year 2259 The Alliance, in order to promote safe competition between the planets, introduced The Official Glider League where pilots could compete with each other in a controlled environment.
In this futuristic shooter game you will pilot one of several gliders in an arena to chase down and kill up to 8 opponents. Your choice from 5 different gliders will help determine the outcome of the battle in the different arenas. There are also 5 different arenas to choose from including, Sunset Valley, Sewerage, and Green Valley which was built in 3009 to celebrate the Glider League's 50th anniversary and harkens back to the days of medieval castles and rolling hills of Earth.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : PC (Windows)