Alpha Ball is a Breakout-variant, but it is not a standard 2D-Breakout, it is 3D.
Like always, your mission is to destroy all bricks in the game with the ball, which you will start, and later reflect, from your paddle. Once all bricks are gone, you proceed to the next level.
The 3D is referring to the perspective, which is rotatable 45° both horizontal or vertical (or horizontal and vertical, if you want). So, it is both top-down and isometric, or nothing (depending how you want to play).
But also the level design is 3D. So there are multiple brick layers in the game. Your ball will only use the lowest brick layer, but once a brick with the another brick above it (higher layer level) is destroyed, the higher brick will fill the gap at the lowest layer.
The game has 100 levels and a Suspend Mode, so you don't need to play all levels at once. If that is not enough, you can easily upgrade the game. For this purpose, Dekovir Entertainment offers multiple Level Packs with 100 levels each.
On your way through these levels, you can use 16 different useful Power-Ups: small/normal/big ball (big ball will go through bricks), slow/fast/very fast ball, shrink/expand paddle, guns/rockets/bombs (to destroy bricks with your paddle), extra life, fireball (destroys additional adjacent bricks), magnet (attach the ball), and three/seven-ball (multiplying balls). Even if some don't sound useful, you get score from all of them. The 17th Power-Up is the only one, which is not only useless, but also dangerous, the Death Power-Up (you will die immediately, when captured).
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : PC (Windows)