Game Classification

SAGA Saga Games, Silverlode Interactive, 2008  

Informations Analyses Serious Gaming





This title is used by the following domains:
  • Entertainment


This title targets the following audience:
Age : 12 to 16 years old / 17 to 25 years old
General Public


The gameplay of this title is Game-based
(designed with stated goals)

The core of gameplay is defined by the rules below:

Similar games

SAGA SAGA is a persistent online real-time strategy game, where the player builds an army and nation to compete with online friends and foes.

The game is loosely set around a backstory involving five gods that have fought since time immemorial. Each of these gods has a race of which they are patron, Magic (Dark Elves), Machines (Dwarves), Nature (Elves), Light (Giants), and War (Orcs). The player chooses build an empire focused around one of the races and may battle to bring glory to their chosen god.

The game has two main gameplay aspects, the construction and management of your nation, and the practice of warfare. Nation management mode deals with micromanaging the activities of your nascent empire. You will direct the action of your peasants, build units and structures, speculate on the market, and work with various guilds to strengthen your throne. Even when you aren't online the peasants still strive to increase your wealth, and your spies and researchers continue their schemes.

As you conquer other kingdoms you'll gain control of their lands and resources, of course someone might decide to raid one of your cities so it is a good idea to build up defenses.

Battle is fought with over a hundred different types of units, including elementals, automata, monsters, etc. These units can all be customized by upgrades to their stats. You'll also have spells that can have effects on the outcome of a battle. You units

You can gain loot outside of the massive multilayer experience by going on Quests. These quests tell the story of SAGA. You can engage in them by yourself, or take along groups of friends and their soldiers.

New units can be purchased in random ?booster packs? of ten from the game's website. [source:mobygames]

Distribution : Retail - Commercial
Platform(s) : PC (Windows)
