IndustryMasters is a browser based business simulation game.
Players start with 50 million dollar seed capital and build up their own virtual corporation. The game includes 240 industries which are grouped into 16 industry sectors.
Each player can invest into industries of his choice and competes in real time with the other players in the same overall economy.
The goal of the simulation is to reach the highest share price at the end of 5 business years. The simulation ticks once a minute and each tick represent one business month.
To succeed, the player has to drive the growth of his company while maintaining high profit margins and achieving good market shares.
Decisions can be taken at any time and have immediate effect on the company as well as on the overall market and the competitors.
Before the simulation starts to tick, players have to build up their initial product portfolio and make up their management strategies such as pricing policy, quality management, staff training and ecology policy.
In the initial state all markets are under-saturated and the sales price levels for the products are high.
During the 60 ticks of a simulation round, the markets get tighter as the players expand their production capacities. In the later phase markets get more and more saturated and the average margins tend to fall.
The corporation that generates the most profits, throughout the 5 simulated business years, will achieve the highest final share price and score.
In each simulation round, up to 100 participants can compete simultaneously in the same economy.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Browser (Flash)