3rd person action game based on the Ghost in the Shell original comic by Masamune Shirow rather than Mamoru Oshi's film. You take the role of a new member in Kusanagi's anti-terrorist squad and get to accomplish missions on your Fuchikoma, (a spider-like AI equiped tank) thanks to which you can jump, stick to walls and ceilings and shoot the hell out of terrorists, all from a 1st or 3rd person point of view. As the missions procede a plot starts to surface concerning a giant skyscrapper, the Aereopolis II, which will eventually be solved after 12 single player missions. Other features include a training sequence, 3D stereo sound and wide anamorphic screen mode for 16x9 TVs.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Playstation (PSX)