PinballBD is the Amiga's most technically advanced pinball game. Whereas Pinball Illusions first made multiball feasible by switching from lores to hires-interlaced, Pinball Brain Damage usually runs in hires (640x256) with a lot of overscan, switchable to superhires-interlaced (1280x512) for a greater overview of the table.
Only two tables come with the game. The first, and easier one, Hypervolution, has cars as its theme. Get a driver's licence, tune up your car and drive away from the police. The second one, Magnetic Whirlpool, is inspired by B-movies. Featuring a lot of advanced ramps and tunnels, you must avoid the monsters and sometimes play a sub-game on the LCD.
Though two tables may seem like little compared to other games, the CD version of PinballBD comes with a bonus in the form a table editor, continuing the tradition set by the likes of Pinball Construction Set in a much more modern setting.
Putting emphasis on realism, PinballBD not only allows you to set the tilt of the table, but also simulates eight different kinds of materials on the table, with different rebounds as a result.
Distribution : Retail - CommercialPlatform(s) : Amiga